Today, at the Superintendent Advisory Meeting, GSCS Teachers of the Year are enjoying tea from our new Partner In Education Downtown Nutrition! Thank you for supporting our staff!
Today, at the Superintendent Advisory Meeting, GSCS Teachers of the Year are enjoying tea from our new Partner In Education Downtown Nutrition! Thank you for supporting our staff!
Today, at the Superintendent Advisory Meeting, GSCS Teachers of the Year are enjoying tea from our new Partner In Education Downtown Nutrition! Thank you for supporting our staff!
These mighty Mustangs are practicing habit #4 "Think Win-Win" while they match technology terms in the Computer Lab. By working together, they were able to complete this task!
GSCS has continued to monitor the weather and has been participating, throughout the day, in briefings and updates with the Spalding County Emergency Management Agency and National Weather Service. At this time, we do not anticipate any local severe weather related to Hurricane Idalia. The forecasts do expect light rain or drizzle to continue throughout off and on throughout much of the evening. No operational changes are expected. All GSCS events (sports, etc.) will proceed as scheduled. We will continue to monitor the weather and update you if this changes. Thank you
Happy Labor Day! All GSCS schools & offices will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2023.
This 5th grader is practicing Habit 4, Think Win-Win, and double checking that her selected books are on her Lexile level so she can maximize her Accelerated Reader points!
These 4th graders are writing and explaining their thinking daily. Great care is taken to ensure students are taking academic ownership in the classroom. @mc_garvin @drforehand @brantleyteacher @juliesteele123 @asanders_lead #MyAccessWriting
Join us for Grand Parent's Day!
We are raising money for our school and we need your help. We are asking every student to register & share with 5 or more supporters. Register at, share with 5 or more supporters with the online tools, and win from over $100,000 in prize giveaways.
Don't forget our Annual Title 1 Meeting is next week! August 29th via Google Meet at 6PM and August 30th in person at 10:30AM.
This 4th grade student put "First Things First" and completed the GSCS Summer Reading Challenge! One of her rewards is a coin from the MRE Book Vending Machine! Way to Go!
Our second grade friend is "Putting First Things First" by taking a makeup MAP test before recess today.
Community Member Cheryl Walker contacted the Griffin-Spalding County School System (GSCS) with a desire to give back and help students. Walker was put in contact with GSCS Social Worker Keisha McGill who helped identify students with back to school needs. On August 23, at special ceremonies held at Cowan Road Elementary and Moreland Road Elementary, Walker presented gift cards and presents to nine families totaling 22 GSCS students.
“I come from a large family of love and am always looking for a way to bless others. I was sitting at my desk a few weeks ago and thought about it being back to school time. All of the sudden I had a strong feeling come over me to help some students. I shared my idea with my colleagues and together we were able to provide resources to over 20 students,” said Cheryl Walker.
Walker is a senior commercial sales manager at First American whose territory spans from Atlanta to the Florida line. She has over 24 years of experience in the finance industry.
GSCS Social Worker Keisha McGill stated, “I am elated that Mrs. Walker is so generous and chose to help our families. It takes a village to raise a child. This is a blessing for our families. We are so thankful for community support.”
Kicking off our fundraiser this morning. Help us raise money for our school! Students are bringing home their packets today.
This 4th grade student is practicing the Leader in Me habit #3 "Putting First Things First" by taking an Accelerated Reader test as soon as she finished reading her books! Now on to find new books to read!
This 5th Grader is practicing the Leader in Me habit of "Putting First Things First" by getting his homework started while waiting for dismissal.
Mrs. Polvi creates opportunities for students to take academic ownership by explaining their thinking using place value discs. @mc_garvin @drforehand @brantleyteacher @juliesteele123
Join us for our Annual Title Meeting!
Join via Google Meet at 6:00PM on Tuesday, August 29th or in person in the Media Center at 10:30AM on Wednesday, August 30th.
These 5th Graders are practicing our Leader in Me habit of "Putting First Things First" by stretching and exercising in PE before playing their games. By focusing on important tasks or practicing new skills before doing fun things, you'll be better prepared for challenges.