MRE Families, please join us for our Can Food Drive. Please take a moment to check your pantries or pick up a few extra cans of food that can be shared with our community. We have a box located near the front office. Thank you for your consideration and support!

It's #NationalArtsIn EducationWeek! Let's celebrate and thank all of our GSCS Fine Arts Teachers for all they do!
National Arts in Education Week is a national celebration recognizing the transformative power of the arts in education. Designated by Congress in 2010, the celebration is meant to bring attention to this cause for elected officials and educational decision-makers nationwide and to support equitable access to the arts for all students.
Arts education, comprising a rich array of disciplines including dance, music, theatre, media arts, literature, design, and visual arts, is a core academic subject and an essential element of a complete and balanced education for all students.

1st graders in Mrs Williams class are working hard on sentence dictation and OG red words. @mc_garvin @drforehand @brantleyteacher @juliesteele123

5th Graders putting their collective skills together to practice Habit 6, Synergy, and build sandcastles! Academically, students are demonstrating the importance of rocks, soils and minerals in engineering and how using the right material for the right job is important!

Attention GSCS Families: Student Immunization Deadline is Friday, Sept. 22.

The Griffin-Spalding County School System will host a job fair for classified positions on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the South Cafeteria located at 277 Poplar Street. Register to attend using the QR code on the image or at https://forms.gle/UUS5qqQQqDmug12K6

Update on Kona!

5th Graders learning about erosion, weathering, deposition and how new landforms are created in the MRE SMART Lab! These students are also practicing Leader in Me habits by working in small groups, especially habit #5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood!

Reminder for GSCS Families: 1st Nine Weeks Mid-term Progress Reports will be issued tomorrow, Sept. 7.

Teacher teams engage in Leader in Me Lighthouse team planning to collaborate on MRE Leadership Development. @mc_garvin @drforehand @brantleyteacher @juliesteele123

These Kindergartners are practicing Leader in Me Habit #5. They are seeking to understand then to be understood as they match their number models with the number line!

Today, at the Superintendent Advisory Meeting, GSCS Teachers of the Year are enjoying tea from our new Partner In Education Downtown Nutrition! Thank you for supporting our staff!

Today, at the Superintendent Advisory Meeting, GSCS Teachers of the Year are enjoying tea from our new Partner In Education Downtown Nutrition! Thank you for supporting our staff!

Today, at the Superintendent Advisory Meeting, GSCS Teachers of the Year are enjoying tea from our new Partner In Education Downtown Nutrition! Thank you for supporting our staff!

These mighty Mustangs are practicing habit #4 "Think Win-Win" while they match technology terms in the Computer Lab. By working together, they were able to complete this task!

GSCS has continued to monitor the weather and has been participating, throughout the day, in briefings and updates with the Spalding County Emergency Management Agency and National Weather Service. At this time, we do not anticipate any local severe weather related to Hurricane Idalia. The forecasts do expect light rain or drizzle to continue throughout off and on throughout much of the evening. No operational changes are expected. All GSCS events (sports, etc.) will proceed as scheduled. We will continue to monitor the weather and update you if this changes. Thank you

Happy Labor Day! All GSCS schools & offices will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2023.

This 5th grader is practicing Habit 4, Think Win-Win, and double checking that her selected books are on her Lexile level so she can maximize her Accelerated Reader points!

These 4th graders are writing and explaining their thinking daily. Great care is taken to ensure students are taking academic ownership in the classroom. @mc_garvin @drforehand @brantleyteacher @juliesteele123 @asanders_lead #MyAccessWriting

Join us for Grand Parent's Day!